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06/24/13 01:27 PM #1    

George Klacik

Welcome to the Summit High School Class Of 1964 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

05/05/14 07:55 PM #2    


Nola Ruppert (Zusi)

Summit, NJ – The class of 1964 graduated from Summit High School 50 years ago this year. To commemorate this milestone, a committee has been formed to plan a special 50th reunion weekend on October 10, 11, and 12, 2014.

“There is a lot of excitement being generated by this reunion,” said George Klacik, Chairman and a lifelong resident of Summit. “Our classmates have had some great accomplishments over the last 50 years, and it has been heartwarming to read some of their stories on our class website;" target="_blank"> The class of ’64 was pretty special in many ways, including the fact that we were the only class to be undefeated in football, the basketball team went all the way to play in the state championships in Atlantic City, and the track team was undefeated in dual meets and won the state title!” He added that along with athletic prowess, many classmates have given enormously of their time and finances to great causes such as the establishment of the Ghana Scholarship fund to help educate underprivileged children in Ghana, Africa, as well as supported our freedoms by bravely serving in the armed forces during the Vietnam War and afterwards, and in government positions both in Summit, as well as in Washington, DC, to mention just a few of the class of 1964’s accomplishments.

The committee includes, George Klacik of Summit as Chairman, Carole Frederick of Delaware, Better (Williams) McDermott, a Summit resident until recently moving to Pennsylvania, David Hughes, Summit’s City Clerk and lifelong resident of Summit, Siddeeq El-Amin of Plainfield serving there as Captain of the Police force until recently retiring, Nola (Ruppert) Zusi of Waretown, NJ, and Michael Vernotico former Councilman and Summit resident. “The committee has been hard at work since last fall planning an event-filled weekend for our classmates,” said Klacik. “We will kick off the weekend by participating in a speakers’ forum at Summit High School, on Friday, speaking with students on a topic to be announced. Later that evening, the class will gather at the home of Michael and Joanne Vernotico, in summit, getting reacquainted with old friends and classmates. Saturday’s events will include a luncheon and football game culminating on Saturday night with a celebration party at The Grand Summit Hotel in Summit. Sunday morning there will be time for final farewells at the continental breakfast that is being planned.”
“Registration has already begun, and we are encouraging classmates to register as early as possible,” Klacik noted. “A block of rooms have been reserved at The Grand Summit Hotel, and there is a list of additional accommodations nearby that is posted on the website. We hope to see all our classmates, their spouses and significant others at the reunion.”
For more information about the SHS Class of 1964’s 50th Class Reunion, visit the website at or email George Klacik, Chairman at

10/08/14 12:33 PM #3    

Joseph L. Detjen

Class of 64,

I just wanted to wish all the members of the Class of 64 my best for a great Reunion.  I will not be attending due to the health of my wife Karen of 46 years.  While Karen and I were looking forward to attending up until August of this year Karen’s health deteriorated rapidly since then.  My thoughts will be with you all this weekend and with those classmates that are no longer with us.  Keep well and I hope to see you all at our 55th


Joe Detjen

10/08/14 02:26 PM #4    


Nola Ruppert (Zusi)

Hi Joe,

Thank you for your well wishes. You will be missed, but we certainly understand. You and your wife will be in our thoughts and prayers.

All the best to you,


10/12/14 04:33 PM #5    

Susan R. Feather-Gannon

We definitely missed you, Joe, at the reunion. I'm so sorry to learn of your wife's illness and empathize wholeheartedly with you. We'll hope to see you at a reunion much sooner than 25 years from now!

Sue Feather-Gannon

10/12/14 04:35 PM #6    

Susan R. Feather-Gannon

Dear 1964 Reunion Committee

You have my heartfelt thanks for all the work you put in for the 1964 SHS graduates! The reunion was a rousing success. If I can help in a future reunion (soon, I hope!), I'll be happy to help if it can be done at a distance. Being back in Summit made me appreciate how much it was such a great place to grow up! Thanks you from the bottom of my heart, 1964 Reunion Committee! You need to add Joanne Vernotico to the list, too, for graciously allowing us to converge on the Vernotico "palace!"


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